Partner up with KUBO

Join the KUBO partner program and help make STEM education more accessible and engaging for K-5 students.

Join our Partner Program

Unlock new revenue streams

By partnering with KUBO, you tap into new markets, expand your reach and increase your revenue potential.

Recurring revenue streams

As a KUBO partner, you establish long-term relationships with customers, leading to recurring revenue streams and greater stability for your business.

No stock (yes!)

Yes, no need to buy to stock. Ship, when sold, is better for business and better for all.

Free onboarding and training

At KUBO, our success is tied to your success. That’s why we are committed to providing the support you need to get the most out of our resources.

Teach K-5 coding for kids

Let’s Transform The K-5 Education Together

Schedule a call today to learn more.

New Partner Request form